Great News!! July is coming and Fer Sucre Pop Gallery is offering new classes at Pop Kids Summer Camp 2015 .You still have time for registration!! Every week we are going to do a new project using a variety of media and choose from painting skateboards, bags, canvas, or creating collages.
The dates of the workshops are: July 7,9,14,16, 21, 23 ,28,and 30th. Time: from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Prices: $80.00 per week/session. $20 for registration fees. If you register for the whol...e month the price will be $300.00. Registration cost is $60, includes materials and projects. We accept credit cards.
Parking available at the rear of the building, convenient for drop offs and pick ups.
For more information please call us at 786-5367995 / 305-3238478 or write us an email to
We look forward to seeing you and your kids at the Gallery for a fun artistic Pop summer.